Tag: Jakarta EE

  • Monitoring Java Virtual Threads

    Introduction In my previous article, we’ve seen what Virtual Threads (VTs) are, how they differ from Platform Threads (PTs), and how to use them with Helidon 4. In simple terms, VTs bring in a new concurrency model. Instead of using many PTs that can get blocked, we use a few of them that hardly ever…

  • Running MicroProfile reactive with Helidon Nima and Virtual Threads

    I recently became interested in Helidon as part of my investigations into Java Loom. Indeed, version 4 is natively based on Virtual Threads. Before going any further, let’s introduce quickly Helidon. Helidon is an Open Source (source on GitHub, Apache V2 licence) managed by Oracle that enables to develop lightweight cloud-native Java application with fast…

  • Secure your JAX-RS APIs with MicroProfile JWT

    In this article, I want to illustrate in a practical way how to secure your JAX-RS APIs with MicroProfile JWT (JSON Web Token). It is illustrated by a GitHub project using Quarkus, Wildfly, Open Liberty and JWTenizr. A basic knowledge of MP JWT is needed and, if you don’t feel comfortable with that, I invite…

  • Optimize your code for Quarkus

    My previous article, was about running a JakartaEE/MicroProfile application with minimum changes. My purpose was to keep the Java code as standard as possible so that it can keep running on other implementations such as OpenLiberty, Payara, KumuluzEE, TomEE. This article proposes an alternative: how to optimize your code for Quarkus? It turns out that…

  • Back from Devoxx France 2019

    From 16 to 19 April took place the 8th edition of Devoxx France in Paris at the Palais des Congrés. It aimed to be the main event for passionate French developers. Indeed it is clearly « the place to be » during these 3 days: a unique opportunity to recharge your batteries, to meet interesting people, to get new…

  • Running GraphQL spqr and JNoSQL on GlassFish 5.1

    As you may know, GlassFish 5.1 has been recently released. This is the first Jakarta EE release of GlassFish. I’ve taken this opportunity to deploy  an application mixing GraphQL spqr and JNoSQL (backed by MongoDB) on it. And guess what? It works! This is a preliminary work for the MicroProfile GraphQL initiative that has just…

  • Discovering JNoSQL

    JNoSQL is an Eclipse project which, according to its definition: “is a Java framework that streamlines the integration of Java applications with NoSQL databases. It defines a set of APIs to interact with NoSQL databases and provides a standard implementation for most NoSQL databases.” The ambition of JNoSQL is to provide a consistent developer experience…